Monday, 22 April 2013


The Information and Communication Technology for Development (2008:43) defines Digital divide as the gap that exists between those who have access to Information and Communications Technology. Digital Divide can exist between those living in rural areas and those living in urban areas, between the educated and the uneducated, between economic classes and on a global scale between more and less industrially developed nations.

Just like many other countries, South Africa is also affected by the digital divide. In 1994 the new South Africa wasborn and great optimism and hope characterized the nation.  Many people anticipated the new policies and firm measures of redness would contribute to the creation of a more equitable and fair society that would enable South Africa to become a player in the global economy (Czerniewicz, 2004). What makes South Africa interesting in terms of the digital divide is the country’s multi ethnic and multi-lingual profile.


e-DEMOCRACY is defined as the use of information and communications technologies and strategies by democratic sectors (citizens, voters, political organizations, the media, elected officials and governments) within the political processes of local communities, states or regions, nations and on global stage (Clift 2004).

"This understanding is critical if we are to establish and maintain a robust participatory democracy in which all of us work together to build a better society and economy," Motlanthe said in his meeting with the leadership of the South African National Editors Forum (Sanef) Source: .



The impact of digital divide on the South African e-Democracy 

Many have argued  that the internet has become a force for democracy in the world.

The internet offers new channels for political participation that did not exist before and modifies existing political participation channels. South African citizens can access the internet  through personal computers, mobile phones while those who can't afford can use public libraries and internet cafes.

 Political participation is dependent on the ease with  people can do this and so would be influenced by financial cost, time, opportunity cost etc. The internet is argued to alter the cost structure of political participation and therefore change the political participation from the past.

The interactive nature of the internet enlarges political communication, including real-life concerns of South African citizens. South Africans can communicate through social networking such as Twitter, Facebook etc. their point of views on political, social and economical issues. 

 Through the use of the internet , citizens can lively discuss and debate on particular issues regardless of their political and economical power in South Africa.

 However, government’s intimidation to restrict the Internet threatens  South African democracy.

e-GOVERNMENT is the use of information and communications and technologies to improve the activities of the public sector organisations, therefore improving government processes, connecting citizens and building external interactions (Richard 2009).

The impact of digital divide on the south African e-Government

Since 1994 the South African government has launched a number of e-governance initiatives, some involving very advanced technology in order to introduce e- governance (Kroukamp, 2005).

 South Africa has nine (9) provinces and each has its own Provincial legislature and Provincial Administration. Each Provincial government has various departments responsible for various aspects of service delivery including health, social development and welfare services, education, agriculture and conservation, safety and security, transport, local government planning and housing. Provincial departments are key agencies of service delivery (Mokhele & Deer, ).

Like other governments around the world, South African Government is already in the process to improve service delivery and redressing of the past (Mokhele & De Beer).

All most all government departments and agencies in South Africa have their own website on which they  show submission of tax returns through the National Automated Archival Information Retrieval System (NAAIRS). This system provides extensive information and documentation about the national archive services to the public and to governments bodies and the Department of Home Affairs National Identification System (HANIS) project which has initiated an automated identification of database of fingerprints to combat crime.(Va der Waldt, 2003).

South Africa has also taken taking steps to embrace and establish an e-government framework. For example, the Department of Home Affairs has rolled out mobile units that make use of satellites to enable citizens in rural parts to apply for ID books, is now investigating a national fingerprint database.

The purpose of e-government is that it enables democracy and allows citizens to engage and debate with the government on issues of concern. As a result  of  the challenging digital divide, enabling this access electronically is challenging in South Africa.

 Given this information it can be deduced that Digital Divide does affect South Africa making it easy for the rich and poor to have access to internet and participate in building the South African Democracy and Government. 


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