Monday, 11 March 2013

Social media at the workplace


Social media

Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share and exchange information and ideas at work or play.

Michael Haelein (2010:61) defines social media as a group of internet-based applications that build on ideological and technological foundations of web 2.0 and allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content.

Some employer policies discourage social media use for non business purposes and have software products that can block employee access to specific websites. While other employer policies want their employees to be able to have some personal use access during breaks, tea time for example.

Specific reference will be made to employer policies that allow their employees to have personal access to social media at work.

NLRB efforts to manage employers

In essence, the National Labour Relations Board (2012:229) will allow employers to implement policies that prohibit harassment, bullying, discrimination, forbid inappropriate postings such as threats of violence or discriminatory comments and instructing employees not to disclose trade secrets.

The Department of Justice Social Media Policy (2010:1) states the rules and regulations of employees having personal access to social media at work.

However, the employer policies of such companies do not aim to limit the expression of its individual employees or online activities. The employees are therefore, responsible for the content published in a personal capacity on any form of social media.

The Department of Justice Social Media Policy (2010:2) continues to state that :
  • Employees should be polite and respectful to all people they interact with.
  • Employees should adhere to the Terms of Use of the relevant social media website as well as copyright, privacy, defamation and the department’s Personal Information Policy.
  • Employees
  • Employees should not be the first to make an announcement, for example (unless given the opportunity to do so).
  • Employees should not disclose any secure or confidential information.
According to the Social Media Policy (2010:2) companies that allow their employees access to social media should also have an Anti Bullying and Workplace Conflict Policy. The Anti Bulling and Workplace Conflict Policy apply online and in the physical workplace.

Workplace bullying and harassment include any inappropriate comments employees make online, even on their own private social networks.

The Anti Bullying and Workplace Conflict Policy states that all employees are expected to treat their colleagues with respect and dignity and must ensure their behaviour does not constitute to bullying or harassment.

Finally, the policy warns employees not to post material that may be offensive and infringe relevant online classification laws if it is pornographic, hateful, racist, sexist or abusive.

Given this information, it can clearly be seen that companies should hold their employees responsible for their individual activities on social media and it is the employee’s responsibility to know and understand their company policy. The company also has the responsibility to make sure that the employees are aware of the company policy implemented regarding social media.

Friday, 1 March 2013

The environmental impacts of hydrauliuc fracturing

South African in Pittsburgh to study the possible environmental effects of shell gas drilling.

Hydraulic fracturing operation, Grass Mesa, Colorado. Photo Credit: Peggy UTESCH

Hydraulic Fracturing
The process of hydraulic fracturing has been defined as the process that involves pumping pressurised water, sand and chemicals into the ground to extract a natural gas and petroleum deeply buried in the earth (Philippe, 1997:239).

The environmental impacts
The USA National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (2012:115) stated that the American Petroleum Institute deny that hydraulic fracturing has hidden problems with gas drilling.
The risks include air quality, migration of gases and hydraulic fracturing chemicals to the surface, potential mishandling of wastes (especially wastewaters) and the contamination of ground water.
Air quality
The main air emissions of hydraulic fracturing are methane emissions from the wells during fracturing from hydraulic equipment, such as compressor stations ( As mentioned by Robert (2011:679) the methane from shale gas production escapes to the atmosphere in venting and leaks over the lifetime of a well. Methane gradually breaks down in the atmosphere, forming carbon dioxide (Robert, 2011:680). As a result the methane in the air pollutes the quality of air.

Migration of gases and hydraulic fracturing chemicals to the surface
A variety of chemicals are used in hydraulic fracturing fluids. The toxic substances include petroleum distillates such as kerosene and diesel fuel.
When these chemicals are spilled they contaminate the soil and surface waters therefore leading to the death of aquatic life and soil erosion.
Potential mishandling of wastes
During hydraulic fracturing, millions of gallons of wastewater are generated and require either treatment for re-use, or dispose ( US Geological Survey (2012:115) has found that flowback may contain a variety of formation materials, including brines, heavy metals, radionuclides, and organics,  which can make wastewater treatment difficult and expensive.

In a July, 2009 letter obtained by ProPublica, the Department wrote that "Handling and disposal of this wastewater could be a public health concern." The letter also mentioned that the state may have difficulty disposing of the waste, that thorough testing will be needed at water treatment plants, and that workers may need to be monitored for radiation as much as they might be at nuclear facilities  (

Contamination of groundwater
Hydraulic fracturing is used in many coal bed methane (CBM) production areas. Some coal beds contain groundwater of high enough quality to be considered underground sources of drinking water (
Not only does the injection of these chemicals pose a short-term threat to drinking water quality, it is quite possible that there could be long-term negative consequences for sources of drinking water from these fracturing fluids (

Given this information, we can clearly see that South Africa has to think carefully about the impacts that the exploration of hydraulic fracturing will have on the environment, its citizens and at what cost. We also need to take into the consideration that the plan of the $2 billion radio telescope in the Karoo region will not be implemented if the exploration of gas takes place.